A Green Card can open up various job opportunities, give you the right to apply for a driver’s license, and also allow you to apply for a Social Security card. Additionally, if you are someone who travels internationally, or plans on traveling for a significant amount of time, a Green Card will grant your admittance back into the U.S., as long as you are gone for less than a year. A Green Card provides immigrants with the comfort they need to focus on what means the most in their lives. However, it is important to note that your Green Card must be renewed every 10 years.
How do I renew a Green Card?
To renew a Green Card, you can fill out a Form I-90, Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card online, or through a paper application. If you fill out a paper application, you will have to submit it by mail. If you are in possession of a previous version of the alien registration card, you must replace it with a current Green Card.
Can I Renew a Green Card While Outside of The United States?
If you are currently outside of the United States and your Green Card is set to expire within 6 months, but you will return within 1 year of your departure from the U.S. and before your Green Card expires, you must file for your renewal card as soon as you return. However, if you have not applied for the renewal card before you left the United States, you must contact a U.S. Consulate, USCIS office, or a U.S. port of entry before you can file a Form I-90 for a renewal Green Card.
What Should I do if my Application is Denied?
If your application is denied, unfortunately, you cannot appeal the decision. However, you may file a motion to reopen or a motion to reconsider with the office that made the decision. This can be complicated as this motion must provide new information to warrant a reopening of your case. This motion must also confirm that the decision to deny your application was based either on a misguided or incorrect application of the law, therefore establishing that the office made the wrong decision on the basis of evidence in the file at the time the decision was made. In order to file a motion, you should reach out to an immigration attorney for assistance.
If you need to renew your green card, contact our firm for more information. Our firm is here to advocate for you and walk you through all of your immigration law matters.
Contact Our New York City Immigration Lawyers
Our law firm can explain all the opportunities associated with fiancé visas and help you through the entire procedure, as well as discuss whether this is a good option. For an initial consultation with a skilled immigration lawyer, contact the Law Office of Cheryl R. David in New York.